January ASL Yoga Workshops

The yoga workshops are taught in American Sign Language by a deaf and registered yoga teacher – Lilli Erin Beese. The workshops will be personalized to match your experience and ability and each week the in-depth workshop will focus on different topics such as pranayama (breath control), meditation (quieting the mind), asana (yoga poses), Ayurveda (the sister science to yoga) and yoga philosophy as well as moving our bodies in a way that feels good for us.

We will be in a circle to maximise visibility and there will be optional homework set every week to continue the work at home. Join us in making wellbeing, health and self-care in a non-judgmental setting a priority for 2020! I look forward to sharing the magic of yoga with you in the serene surroundings of the Practice Yoga Church.

Suitable for beginners, all levels welcome. Hearing people who know ASL welcome to join too. Pre-registration required.

$20 per workshop or $55 for the Monday series (3 classes).
Reserve your spot now >

$20 per workshop or $75 for the Wednesday series (4 classes).
Reserve your spot now >

Lilli Erin Yoga Monday ASL Yoga Series
Lilli Erin Yoga Weds ASL Yoga Series