Hello lovely yogis!
I really enjoyed teaching y’all this week - I just love all the thoughtful discussions that we have in the workshops. Next week is the last week of the May workshops where we’ll be covering the next yogic philosophy! The classes and workshops will continue in June albeit on a reduced schedule as I’ll be taking two weeks ‘holiday’ - on the first week and on the last week of June. This will enable me to finally catch up on my emails, to finish off some exciting yoga projects and to spend some time with my daughter. The classes and workshops will start again on the 8th June where we’ll go onto the next yogic path! Everyone is welcome to join the workshops - total beginners or experienced yogis, there’ll be something for everyone. The tickets for the BSL and the ASL workshops for June are on lillierinyoga.com with a sweet discount when you book the series (three workshops) as well as direct links below.
A few changes for June:
1) Recordings of the workshops will not be made available - this proved to be way more complicated than initially thought and took too much of my time unfortunately. However, if you happen to miss a workshop - you’re more than welcome to join the next workshop on Monday or Wednesday to make up for it and the homework will of course be sent to you too.
2) The BSL workshops are now booked through Eventbrite.
3) Due to several reasons - the 1pm class on Fridays will not continue sadly. However, I have a new Power Yoga class on Fridays at 7.30pm CST which is a fast-flowing and a strength-building yoga class. It will be bookable via the Practice Yoga Austin website in a few days time. This class will be voiced-over by Barbie Parker Greenwater so it’s accessible for everyone whether you can sign or not.
All the above is to reduce the admin load and to help me to balance my work and family life especially as the school term is now finishing up. And rather than doing mounds of admin - I want to continue to focus on researching, designing and providing the best yoga workshop possible for you as you totally deserve that!
I’m so looking forward to continuing our yoga journey together in June - you can invite your friends to join you too, the more the merrier.
Namaste and Big Love,
Lilli x
BSL Yoga Workshops (June)
Monday 7pm - 8.30pm (BST)
Wednesday 7pm - 8.30pm (BST)
ASL Yoga Workshops (June)
Monday 10.30am - 12pm (CST)
Wednesday 7.15pm - 8.45pm (CST)
Are you a member of staff at the Texas School for the Deaf? If so - you can join the Zoom classes at 3.45pm on Mondays and Wednesdays starting the 8th June at a reduced rate - get in touch with myself and Krista Brown.
Yogic Philosophy of the Week
Tapas. The third of the five Niyamas, it translates as discipline, commitment and stoking that inner fire. Three things that can help with committing – micro-goals, accountability and remembering your why. Remembering my why has been a deal-changer for me - I used to have a lot of resistance to meditating on a daily basis until I figured out my why.
Why do I want a daily meditation practice? When I’m not thinking about the why – setting some time aside to meditate can feel frivolous and even self-indulgent when I always have one hundred other things to do as a mother, wife, teacher. But when I dig in deeper and remember why I want a daily meditation practice – because it makes me less reactive and because it makes me a lot more ‘okay’ with whatever life has in store for me. In essence, I am much more able to self-regulate and be more self-aware – and so when I remember that, a meditation practice is suddenly so much more important than doing the dishes.
Whether it’s remembering your why, reading up on research evidence on the benefits of yoga and meditation if your goal is related to yoga/meditation, setting micro-goals as in 2 pages of writing down your thoughts once a week instead of ‘journal every day’, or just 10 minutes meditating a week as opposed to 30 minutes every day, telling friends and family about your goals in the name of accountability or typing up your why so it’s on your screensaver, your diary or on your wall. Or having a spreadsheet and ticking off a box every day/week (gosh I just love the tick. The sheer power of a tick is underrated in my humble opinion :o) ) - whatever your goal is, finding your ammo to burn away the resistance - it’s worth looking into I reckon.
Pose of the Week
In the workshops this week, we did 15 continuous rounds of Sun Salutation A. Some yogis were discussing this week how it can be tricky to remember the poses as well as the breathing too - I totally get that as I can still remember feeling overwhelmed by that too when I started my yoga journey. Below is a round of Sun Salutation A drawn by a teacher called Jason Crandell along with arrows. Each pose has either an upward arrow for an inhalation or a downward arrow for an exhalation. Some yogis like to print this out and have this on the floor as they’re doing the Sun Salutation A. And I promise you that with practice and time - it’ll totally become second nature. Happy Sun Saluting!