
Yogic Philosophy of the Week - Asteya

Yoga is an eight-fold path and the first of the eight limbs of yoga is called Yamas (ethical rules). Practicing the Yamas is said to give the yogi the opportunity to live in a way that is healthier and more peaceful. The third of the five Yamas is Asteya. Non-stealing. Not taking what is not offered. Cultivating a spirit of abundance. Finding that balance.

This concept is explained by Deborah Adele EYRT500: “Asteya is restraining from making ourselves smaller or bigger than we are, or from trying to be something we are not or hiding from what we are. It is often hard to know where to draw the line in just where too much lies. Yoga addresses this dilemma beautifully: gather all the resources you need to support your particular service in the world. No more; no less. In other words, we are asked to walk a fine line between stealing from others and stealing from ourselves. If we take more than we need, in any area of our lives, we are stealing from others. If we deny ourselves the resources we need to reach our full potential, we are stealing from ourselves.”

Pose of the Week - Legs up the Wall

This week in class we’ve been doing one of my favourite poses - Legs up the Wall. It’s one of the most nourishing and grounding poses there is. It’s a passive pose but the benefits are pretty amazing - it lowers your heart rate making you feel relaxed, releases tension from your back, helps with migraines, digestive issues, anxiety, insomnia, arthritis….the list goes on! You can use a bolster, a block or a rolled up blanket below your sacrum or nothing at all. Experiment and see what feels good for you.

Childs Pose