
Good morning all you cool cats and kittens!

(If you haven’t seen Tiger King yet…oh my gosh, I’ve never seen anything like it! It’s pure escapism.)

How are you all doing?

Having had a major crash course in all things Zoom and Live Streaming...it feels like I’m finally getting into a rhythm with this new reality. Keep any feedback coming please so I can offer you the best yoga experience possible from afar.

I’ve seen many memes and statistics this week but I also saw this poem and I fell in love with it instantly like many other people - here it is in case you haven’t read it yet and it touches you too.

Om and Namaste,

Lilli x


ASL Yoga workshops

Every Monday there’s an ASL Yoga workshop at 9am CST. There’s also an ASL Yoga workshop every Wednesday at 7.15pm CST. We do breath-work, a meditation technique and a juicy yoga flow in every workshop. Yoga homework is sent to you too to continue your practise for the rest of the week!

This is a 90 minute interactive workshop via Zoom. This is great as it means I can see you and answer any questions you might have.

To join the workshop, buy the ticket below and you’ll get a Zoom number via email. I’m so looking forward to connecting with you on the mat.

Book your ASL Yoga workshop tickets

Monday 9am-10.30am (Central Time)


Wednesday 7.15pm-8.45pm (Central Time)


New time for Friday’s 45 minute ASL Yoga Class

Friday’s 45 minute ASL Yoga Class will now start at 1pm (CDT). This class is live-streamed from Practice Yoga Austin’s Facebook and YouTube pages. You are welcome to make requests for what type of yoga you’d like to do - I’ll try my best to accommodate. This class is FREE! You can donate however to keep Practice Yoga and its staff going in what are difficult times, but if you’re facing a similar situation yourself - please accept this class as an offering from me to you.

British Sign Language Yoga Workshops

I’m so happy to have finally started the weekly British Sign Language yoga workshops - every Wednesday evening at 7pm BST. There will also soon be workshops on Mondays at 7pm BST too - let me know if you’d like to sign up for either workshop. This is a 90 minute interactive workshop via Zoom. This is great as it means I can see you and answer any questions you might have. We do breath-work, a meditation technique and a juicy yoga flow in every workshop. Yoga homework is sent to you too to continue your practise for the rest of the week! The cost of the workshop - £15.

To join the workshop, get in touch with me via replying to this email or DM me via Instagram for the payment details and you’ll get a Zoom number via email. I’m so looking forward to connecting with you on the mat.

Some Zoomin’ tips!

It's best to download the Zoom app to your phone, tablet or laptop.

For the technical whizzes out there, you can screen mirror/cast your phone to your TV or connect your computer with an HDMI cable so it feels more immersive.

You can also have a screen behind you locked upside down so you can see me while upside down!

You can also dim the lights and light some candles before the workshop to set the ambience just like as if you were going to a yoga studio.

Yogic Philosophy of the Week

Yoga is an eight-fold path and the fifth of the eight limbs of yoga is Pratyahara. The conscious withdrawal of energy from the senses. We are forever being pulled away from our inner peace by the external world. Cultivating an awareness of Pratyahara can help you to remain grounded.

Some ways I’ve practiced Pratyahara - I don’t read or watch the news on a daily basis, I haven’t done so for the last few years. It doesn’t do me any good. I also try to be mindful of who I follow on social media. We also try to have ‘No Tech Sundays’ - always rather difficult to get the family to agree to this but when we do - it’s bloody marvellous.

I also remove anything from my home that I see every day with large and loud lettering on it like ‘BUY FIVE, GET ONE FREE’ - it’s just unnecessary noise. Sometimes I’ll clear out one room for the sense of peace it gives me. I also never have overhead lighting on - it takes me away from my inner peace.

Sometimes I’ll meditate and I’ll visualise a serene lake by the mountains and I go back to the lake every time I get distracted (without being frustrated with myself for going off-track cause we’re human and the human brain is a distracted old thing). Using a lavender eye-pillow while in Savasana to block out any light is probably my favourite form of Pratyahara - well worth the investment, I bought mine from Amazon for about $10 I think. How do you practice Pratyahara? I would love to know!

Pose of the Week

This week I’ve been loving the Eagle pose - it has a deliciously detoxifying feel to it, for the physical body and for the mind. Twist up to unwind your mind!
