
Hey y’all,

We’ve just come back from a yoga retreat - so wonderful to get away for the weekend, away from our daily routines. To have time to reflect and to review, to read, to nap, to play with baby goats and to have one of them to try to eat my t-shirt (yup), to sunbathe (we had two glorious hours of hot sunshine and blue skies), to eat yummy vegan food and of course to do yoga, meditation and pranayama all day long - my kinda bliss.

Lilli Erin Yoga - Goat - retreat

Tomorrow morning at 9am come and join us for what promises to be a blissful treat. It’s the aromatherapy and yoga workshop! As part of the workshop you’ll get to do a soulful yoga flow that will smell sooo good, get a mini-massage (either from me or you can do a self-massage - whichever you prefer) AND you’ll take home a goody bag filled with a gorgeous bath goody from Ancient Minerals and amazing aromatherapy goodies from Adrienne Thal - certified energy healer and essential oil expert. We’ll be rounding off the workshop with yummy kombucha from Buddhas Brew. Kombucha is fermented tea, and not only does it have the same health benefits as tea, it's also rich in beneficial probiotics and it also has some incredible antioxidants. Aromatherapy, yoga, massage, drinks and freebies - ohmigosh what more could you wish for :o)

If you can’t make tomorrow morning - we are offering the exact same workshop on Wednesday evening at 7.15pm.

Can’t wait to see y’all for a pamper session! Book your tickets!



March. Ahhh the beginning of spring. Spring breathes new life into the world around us. It’s also when we tend to spring-clean. And when we sow the seeds for a fruitful year of growth. Come and join us to breathe new energy into ourselves, to do some inner spring-cleaning and to sow the seeds for inner growth what with yoga, pranayama and meditation offered in every workshop!



Yogic Philosophy of the Week

Yoga is an eight-fold path and the second of the eight limbs of yoga is called Niyamas. Niyamas are how we act toward ourselves, inner observances. The first of the five Niyamas is Saucha which is cleanliness, purification, purity. Yoga, meditation and pranayama are all acts of purification and that extends onto all the other areas in our lives too.

Yoga isn’t really about the poses or the breath - it’s in the residue of the practice. How you feel afterwards, how you relate to people, the lens that you put on to see the world with. Humbling stuff. Anyhow - back to Saucha. How can we incorporate Saucha into our modern day lives? A mad KonMari session always leaves me feeling lighter, vibrant and so very grateful for all the things I do have! Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Happy to lend ‘The life-changing magic of tidying up’ book to you if you haven’t read it yet.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed and scattered, I will automatically start doing housework as it just makes me feel better - it’s only since yoga teacher training that I understand that it’s called Saucha! What else could Saucha be? I’ve recently started following the Japanese custom of always taking a bath before bed (even if it’s at 1am) - and I do feel so much better for it. Just so nice to be clean when getting into clean sheets.

Oooh and today I gave my beloved yoga mat a warm bath along with mild dish soap and lemon essential oil and that did feel verrrrry satisfying. As well as actual cleanliness and tidiness - Saucha also applies to the purity of the mind, of speech and of actions. Make of that what you will :o)

Pose of the Week

There are specific poses that are particularly detoxifying for the body, poses that twist the body. Iyengar (who is described as the father of modern yoga) likened twisting poses to ‘squeezing and soaking’ referring to its’ cleansing nature on our organs. Revolved Triangle pose is definitely one of those poses where I can really feel the ‘squeeze and soak’ mechanism going on - try it out and see if it’s the same for you.

A block or a stack of heavy books is a definitely a good thing to have with this pose. And do report back - I love to hear from y’all!

P.S Beautiful illustration below by Chiara de Eccher of Swell Yoga, I just love the leopard print y’all!

Childs Pose